As the world shifts towards sustainable transportation, the debate between Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles and Electric Vehicles (EVs) heats up. 

With ICE to EV carbon emissions reduction being a crucial step in combating climate change, it's essential to compare their carbon footprint. 

This article explores the nuances of their emissions, providing a comprehensive analysis of which mode of transportation is truly greener.

Well-to-Wheel Emissions: A Comprehensive Analysis

Here's a detailed analysis of Well-to-Wheel Emissions in the context of electric vehicles (EVs) and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs):

Government electrification ambitions targeting significant CO2 reductions

Globally, governments have established aggressive goals to lower greenhouse gas emissions, with a lot of them emphasizing the transportation industry as a critical area for development. Electrifying vehicles is thought to be a critical first step in accomplishing these objectives.  

For instance, the European Union aims to reduce CO2 emissions from transport by 60% by 2050, while the United States has set a target of 50% reduction in emissions from the transportation sector by 2030. 

To achieve these targets, governments are incentivizing the adoption of electric vehicles through subsidies, tax credits, and investments in charging infrastructure.

Impact of EV adoption on global emissions reduction

The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is a crucial step toward reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. 

The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that increasing the share of EVs to 30% of global vehicle sales by 2030 could cut CO2 emissions.

Moreover, as the electricity grid becomes greener, the environmental benefits of EVs will increase. 

A study by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that, on average, EVs emit less than half the CO2 compared to their gasoline counterparts over their lifetime. 

As renewable energy sources like wind and solar become more prevalent, EVs' lifecycle emissions will further decrease, making them a key player in achieving global climate targets.

Comparison of emissions from ICEVs and EVs in various scenarios

Well-to-Wheel (WTW) emissions analysis provides a comprehensive picture of emissions from both ICEVs and EVs. WTW emissions include emissions from:

  • Well-to-Tank (WTT): extraction, refining, and transportation of fuels
  • Tank-to-Wheel (TTW): combustion of fuels in vehicles

Studies have shown that EVs generally have lower WTW emissions than ICEVs, especially when powered by renewable energy sources. 

Scenario 1: Grid electricity from fossil fuels

Vehicle Type WTT Emissions (g CO2e/mile) TTW Emissions (g CO2e/mile) WTW Emissions (g CO2e/mile)
ICEV 114 290 404
EV 164 0 164

Scenario 2: Grid electricity from renewable sources (e.g., solar, wind)

Vehicle Type WTT Emissions (g CO2e/mile) TTW Emissions (g CO2e/mile) WTW Emissions (g CO2e/mile)
ICEV 114 290 404
EV 164 0 164

Near-term and long-term emission savings projections

Near-term emission savings from EV adoption are significant, but long-term savings are even more substantial. A study by the International Energy Agency estimates that by 2030, EVs can reduce CO2 emissions from transportation by up to 230 million tons. By 2050, this number can increase to over 1.5 gigatons.

Contributions from different vehicle types (LDVs, trucks, buses) to emission reductions

Different vehicle types contribute varying amounts to emission reductions. Light-duty vehicles (LDVs) are expected to make the largest contribution, potentially reducing up to 1.2 gigatons of CO2 emissions by 2050. 

Heavy-duty trucks and buses can also significantly contribute, with potential reductions of up to 300 million tons and 200 million tons, respectively.

Also read: Unplugging the Truth: A Comparative Analysis of EV vs ICE Efficiency

Lifecycle Impacts of Electric Vehicles

The lifecycle impacts of electric vehicles (EVs) are a crucial aspect of understanding their overall environmental benefits.

Emission benefits over the vehicle lifecycle are significant, with studies suggesting that choosing a battery electric SUV over an internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle can save up to 70 metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions over the vehicle's lifetime. 

This is primarily due to the lower emissions associated with electricity generation compared to fossil fuel combustion.

Impact of Power Grid Decarbonization on Vehicle Lifecycle Emissions

The decarbonization of the power grid has a significant impact on the lifecycle emissions of EVs. As the grid becomes cleaner, the emissions associated with charging an EV decrease. 

In regions with high renewable energy penetration, such as Norway, the emissions from EVs are significantly lower than in regions with a higher reliance on fossil fuels.

Comparative Analysis Across Key Regions

A comparative analysis of the lifecycle emissions of EVs across key regions reveals significant variations.

  • In the United States, EV emissions are generally lower than those from ICE vehicles, with an average emissions savings of around 40% over the vehicle's lifetime.
  • In the United Kingdom, the emissions savings are even higher, with an average reduction of around 50% over the vehicle's lifetime.
  • In China, EV emissions are generally higher than those in the US and UK due to the country's reliance on coal-fired power generation. However, as China continues to transition to cleaner energy sources, EV emissions are expected to decrease.
  • India has higher electric vehicle (EV) emissions than the US and the UK, mostly as a result of its reliance on fossil fuels for electricity production. On the other hand, the Indian government has set lofty goals to increase the proportion of renewable energy in the power mix, which should eventually lower emissions from electric vehicles. 

Importance of Considering Full Lifecycle Emissions in Policy Decisions

When making policy decisions about EVs, it is essential to take complete lifecycle emissions into account. When creating incentives and laws to encourage the adoption of EVs, policymakers should consider the emissions related to the production and disposal of EVs as well as the emissions from charging. 

This will ensure that EVs' overall emissions benefits are maximized and that the transition to a low-carbon transportation sector is achieved sustainably and environmentally friendly.

Battery Manufacturing Emissions

The entire lifecycle emissions of electric vehicles (EVs) are largely caused by the fabrication of EV batteries. For EVs to have the least negative environmental impact possible, it is essential to comprehend the emissions related to battery manufacture. 

Overview of Battery Chemistry and Associated Lifecycle Emissions

The most common battery chemistries used in EVs are Lithium-Nickel-Mangan-Cobalt-Oxide (NMC), Lithium-Iron-Phosphate (LFP), and Lithium-Cobalt-Oxide (LCO). Each chemistry has a unique set of emissions associated with its production.

  • NMC: NMC batteries have the highest emissions intensity among the three chemistries, primarily due to the energy required for mining and processing nickel and cobalt. The emissions associated with NMC battery production are around 150-200 kg CO2e/kWh.
  • LFP: LFP batteries have lower emissions intensity compared to NMC, mainly due to the lower energy requirements for iron and phosphate extraction. The emissions associated with LFP battery production are around 100-150 kg CO2e/kWh.
  • LCO: LCO batteries have the lowest emissions intensity among the three chemistries, primarily due to the lower energy requirements for cobalt extraction. The emissions associated with LCO battery production are around 50-100 kg CO2e/kWh.

Strategies to Reduce Emissions from Battery Manufacturing

Several strategies can be employed to reduce emissions from battery manufacturing:

  • Increasing recycling rates: Closed-loop recycling of battery materials can significantly reduce the emissions associated with primary material extraction.
  • Improving manufacturing efficiency: Optimizing manufacturing processes and reducing energy consumption can lower emissions.
  • Transitioning to renewable energy: Powering battery manufacturing facilities with renewable energy can reduce emissions from energy generation.
  • Sourcing materials from low-carbon suppliers: Selecting suppliers with lower emissions intensities can reduce the overall emissions associated with battery production.

Impacts of Critical Minerals Processing on Total Emissions

Critical minerals including nickel, cobalt, and lithium are necessary for the creation of batteries. These minerals' extraction and processing may have a substantial negative influence on the environment, including emissions. Up to 50% of the emissions from the production of batteries can be attributed to the emissions related to the processing of key minerals. 

Comparative Lifecycle Emissions of Different Battery Chemistries

Here is a table comparing the lifecycle emissions of different battery chemistries:

Battery Chemistry Emissions Intensity (kg CO2e/kWh) Total Emissions (kg CO2e)
NMC 175 525
LFP 125 375
LCO 75 225

Also read: Electric vs. Gas: Key Differences Between EVs and ICE Vehicles

Emissions Categories and Evaluations

Here's a breakdown of the key emissions categories and evaluations:

Direct Emissions vs. Upstream Emissions

  • Direct Emissions: These are emissions that occur directly from the vehicle's operation, such as tailpipe emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) or emissions from producing electricity used to charge EVs.
  • Upstream Emissions: These occur during the production and transportation of fuels or energy sources used to power vehicles. For EVs, upstream emissions include emissions from mining and processing raw materials, manufacturing batteries and vehicles, and generating electricity used for charging.

Well-to-Wheel Emissions Stages

The well-to-wheel (WTW) emissions framework evaluates the emissions associated with the entire lifecycle of a vehicle, from fuel extraction and production to vehicle operation and end-of-life disposal. The WTW stages are:

  1. Well: Fuel extraction, production, and transportation
  2. Refinery: Fuel refining and processing
  3. Tank-to-Station: Fuel transportation and storage
  4. Station: Fuel dispensing and vehicle refuelling
  5. Wheel: Vehicle operation and emissions

Cradle-to-Grave Emissions Perspective

The cradle-to-grave (CTG) emissions perspective is a comprehensive approach that evaluates the emissions associated with a product's entire lifecycle, from raw material extraction and processing to end-of-life disposal or recycling. The CTG stages for EVs include:

  1. Raw Material Extraction: Mining and processing of raw materials for battery and vehicle production
  2. Manufacturing: Production of batteries, vehicles, and other components
  3. Transportation: Transportation of raw materials, components, and finished vehicles
  4. Use Phase: Vehicle operation and emissions
  5. End-of-Life: Vehicle disposal, recycling, or repurposing

Impact of Future Grid Decarbonization

Here's an analysis of the impact of future grid decarbonisation on EV emissions:

Impact of Renewable Energy Adoption on EV Emissions

The increasing usage of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, will significantly cut emissions from EV charging. Reduced emissions from energy generation will result in fewer well-to-wheel emissions for electric vehicles (EVs) as the grid gets greener. 

  • Scenario 1: Business-as-Usual (BAU): Assuming a moderate growth in renewable energy adoption, the emissions intensity of electricity generation is expected to decrease by 30% by 2030.
  • Scenario 2: Accelerated Transition: With a rapid transition to renewable energy, the emissions intensity of electricity generation could decrease by 60% by 2030.

Projections for Emissions Reductions with Greener Grids

As the grid decarbonizes, the emissions associated with EV charging will decrease. Here are some projections for emissions reductions:

  • 2025: With a 20% renewable energy share, EV emissions are expected to decrease by 15% compared to 2020 levels.
  • 2030: With a 40% renewable energy share, EV emissions are expected to decrease by 35% compared to 2020 levels.
  • 2040: With a 60% renewable energy share, EV emissions are expected to decrease by 55% compared to 2020 levels.

Also check out: Benefits of Owning an Electric Scooter for Daily Use


Transitioning from Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicles to Electric Vehicles (EVs) is crucial for achieving substantial ICE to EV carbon emissions reduction. As the power grid becomes greener, EVs will further enhance their environmental benefits, making them a more sustainable choice.

Ready to make a difference? Explore Bounce Infinity’s electric vehicles and contribute to the ICE to EV carbon emissions reduction movement. Embrace a cleaner, greener future with Bounce Infinity today.

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